You'll enjoy the mountain views and coffee shops in Historic Downtown Fernie. You might want to make time for a stop at Fernie Museum or Fernie Heritage Library.
We make it easy to travel the world, with Alpine Trails holiday packages starting from as low as . You'll have the flexibility to combine your preferred airlines, hotels and car rental. For the ultimate escape, why not add some tours and activities to your travel itinerary?
Combine your flights and hotels, add extras such as activities, and save with an Alpine Trails holiday package. You won't just land wonderful discounts on your adventure — you'll have lots of choice within your reach too. When you book through Expedia, you'll have your pick of over 550 air carriers and 1,000,000 properties across the globe. Your next affordable adventure begins right here, right now!
You'll want to stay where the action is. Many visitors book hotels within easy reach of popular sights, such as Fernie Memorial Arena, College of the Rockies Fernie Campus and Fernie Aquatic Centre.
Earlier is always better. Airlines generally release flight tickets around a year in advance, and this is an ideal opportunity to land some of the cheapest prices. Boss just told you to take all your holiday days in a few weeks? No problem! Expedia are never short of fantastic bargains to send you off on the getaway of your dreams, at an affordable price.
That's up to you. You can select from a variety of Alpine Trails bundles, such as a flight, hotel and rental car. You can also book a flight and a hotel, or a rental car with a flight. Once you've made your booking, you can add the fun stuff like tours and activities. Whatever your Alpine Trails break looks like, you'll save!
We already have low prices. However, you'll grab even more savings when you book your flights, hotels and car rentals together. With an Expedia travel package, you'll always get transparent pricing and a terrific range of choice.
Expedia offers access to more than 550 airline partners globally, so you definitely can. Simply select your favourite carrier and put together your ideal Alpine Trails escape.
It's good to know that you can cancel your Alpine Trails booking if your travel plans have been upended. Whether you'll incur a penalty or not depends on your hotel, airline or car rental company. You may be able to cancel or change your booking for free if you booked in the last 24 hours. Visit our Customer Service Portal to find out more.