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Feel right at home as you explore the world

The perfect holiday rental awaits

Beachfront villas, city apartments or mountain cabins - whatever, wherever your heart desires.

More value for your money

Rent an entire home for half the price of a hotel. Then add the savings of not always eating out at restaurants.

Amenities, amenities, amenities

Kick back and relax. Everything you need is at your fingertips - the comforts of spacious living, privacy and fully-stocked kitchens

Enjoy the comforts of home when you travel for work


Choose from rentals in all the best parts of town - near the office or your favourite park perfect for a morning run.


Wi-Fi and work spaces make it business as usual, yet comfortable and relaxed in your own place.


Make your holiday budget go further with lower nightly rates and home-cooked meals just the way you like them.

You’ve been getting bored with the ordinary and you’re craving a change in scenery—oh, the tell-tale signs of a much-needed holiday. It’s been too long since your last trip and it’s time to shake things up. Pack your bags and go for it—book that getaway you’ve been eyeing. See the world through new lens, as you explore the attractions and relish the unfamiliar sounds. When you reserve one of our holiday rentals, you can travel in style with easy access to adventures around every corner. Getting tired of having the same-old routine? Longing for a change in scenery? It’s time to pack your bags and head off on that much-needed holiday. Book that getaway you’ve been eyeing out and you’ll soon be seeing the world in a different light. When you choose one of our holiday homes, you can travel with ease and there’ll be new adventures around every corner. After busy days of exploring, you’ll get to enjoy the privacy of your own space as you plan activities for the rest of your holiday. Whichever vacation rental you book, any stresses from the ordinary day-to-day will be a distant memory. 

While you might be tempted to simply recharge and relax at the best holiday home in town, there are sights to see, food and drink to taste, and memories to make! Discover your destination’s flavour: start a conversation with locals at a cafe, join a walking tour or engage with the area’s arts and culture scene. From theatre shows to learning history at a nearby museum, you’ll never find yourself having nothing to do. The best part of all? You’ll end off the day by making yourself at home in your welcoming holiday rental.

Whether you’re interested in one of our cosy apartment or a roomy villa, there’s a perfect short-term let waiting for you. When you book with Expedia, you’ll have access to a full range of self-catering holiday lettings, ensuring that you find your ideal match. Ready to go? Your ultimate getaway is at your fingertips.