Check out nearby sights like Agrarian University of Ecuador while you're spending some time in Venecia and the surrounding area.
Our Flor del Bosque holiday packages, which start from just , are an awesome way to save precious money. All you have to do is choose your preferred hotels, flights and more to create your perfect escape.
Our Flor del Bosque holiday packages mean plenty of savings for the savvy traveller. For the best deals, simply combine your hotel, flights and extras (including tours) into one neat package. But low prices are only the start of your next amazing adventure. Book with Expedia and you'll have more than 550 air carriers and 1,000,000 properties across the globe to select from. No matter your budget, there's a holiday package here just for you.
It's hard to pick the perfect time for airfares, but we generally suggest the earlier, the better. Many international journeys on Expedia become available up to 12 months in advance. If you're booking late, don't despair. Discounted prices occasionally appear just weeks before departure dates.
It all boils down to what type of trip you have in mind. Flor del Bosque holiday deals can include car rentals, hotels and flights. You can mix and match to find the bundle that suits your style and budget. You can also add on experiences and activities after you've booked to get even bigger discounts.
A travel package can be easier on the wallet than separately booking all you need for your getaway. For example, bundle your hotels, flights and rental cars and save a tidy sum. Whatever your holiday plans, you're sure to find a package that best suits your budget.
Yes — and it's simple too. Expedia has access to more than 550 partner airlines worldwide. Our holiday packages give you the flexibility to pick from available flight, hotel or activity options that fit your needs.
Whether it's your flight or hotel, you can cancel and rebook it. Booked your Flor del Bosque holiday package in the last 24 hours? You may be able to make changes or cancellations for free. For bookings made more than 24 hours ago, you may incur a charge from your airline, hotel or car rental company. For further information, browse our Customer Service Portal. We're here to help you every step of the way.