Locatedin New Orleans’ Seventh Ward District, Frenchmen Street runs between FilmoreAvenue in the north and the Mississippi River in the south. The uppermost endis mostly residential housing, but the few blocks closest to the river are adifferent story. Here you'll find a spirited social scene that's a little offthe beaten tourist trail, where daytime cafés close their doors ready for thelively jazz clubs to take up the night shift.
The Frenchmen Streetarea is completely distinct from the surrounding streets, with FrenchCreole-influenced building façades and architecture reminiscent of themid-1800s. These lower blocks are known as Faubourg Marigny and weretraditionally home to the lower classes.
Walk along the narrowstreets during the day and feel the laid-back lifestyle of the American South.Colonial-style houses are nestled between restaurants, bars and the occasionaltattoo parlor.
Head to FrenchmenStreet after dark when the jazz clubs really heat up. For a taste of true NewOrleans jazz spend a few hours at the Spotted Cat Music Club. It was namedafter the previous owner’s large African cat that was often mistaken for asmall leopard. This tiny jazz club hosts talented local jazz combos and hasentertained celebrities such as Keith Richards and bands R.E.M. and Maroon5.There's even a playable 1921 piano in the ladies room.
Frenchmen Street haslong been a hang-out for locals, but its authentic Southern party atmosphere ismaking it increasingly popular with tourists. You can hire a horse-drawncarriage for custom tours. With a pick-up time of around 15 minutes fromanywhere in the French Quarter, they are a common sight here.
From reverberatingCreole beats pumping out of the open doorways of jazz clubs, to localsstrolling through the streets on their daily business, this is one of the bestlocations where you can enjoy a glimpse of the real lives of New Orleanslocals.
Thissix-by-13 block area is within walking distance of Bourbon Street, and it’seasy to catch a taxi in this part of town as well.