Norrbotten County

Popular cities in Norrbotten County
Known for Skiing, Mountains and Northern lights
This quaint mining town is the gateway to the mountains, forest and glaciers of breathtaking Laponia.
Reasons to visit
- Mount Dundret
- Stora Sjofallet National Park
- Dundret Ski Resort
Known for Northern lights, Tours and Recreation
Discover Sweden’s most northerly town and the wonderful wilderness landscapes that surround it.
Reasons to visit
- Kiruna Mine
- Kebnekaise
- Kiruna Church
Known for Churches, Cathedrals and Adventure
Art galleries, a medieval church, an archipelago of over 1,000 islands and adventures in the sun and snow await at this city in Swedish Lapland.
Reasons to visit
- Gammelstad Church
Known for Hiking, Culture and Natural parks
Reasons to visit
- Sarek National Park
Known for Friendly people, Lakes and Recreation
The gateway to one of Sweden’s most spectacular national parks, this remote Arctic village is found on the shore of Lake Torneträsk.
Reasons to visit
- Abisko National Park
Cities in Norrbotten County

Art galleries, a medieval church, an archipelago of over 1,000 islands and adventures in the sun and snow await at this city in Swedish Lapland.

Discover Sweden’s most northerly town and the wonderful wilderness landscapes that surround it.

This quaint mining town is the gateway to the mountains, forest and glaciers of breathtaking Laponia.

The gateway to one of Sweden’s most spectacular national parks, this remote Arctic village is found on the shore of Lake Torneträsk.
AbborrträskAbiskoAleAlvikAlvsbynArjeplogArvidsjaurAuktsjaurBjörklidenBodenBåtskärsnäsGlommersträskGunnarsbynGällivareHakkasHaparandaHaradsHedenäsetHortlaxHästholmenInnerstaden-ÖstermalmJokkmokkJukkasjarviJunosuandoJuoksengiJäckvikKalixKallaxKangosKaresuandoKarlsvikKarungiKirunaKirunavaaraKolerKorpilomboloKoskullskulleKuivakangasKukkolaKurravaaraKvikkjokkKåbdalisLaisvallLannavaaraLansjärvLappträskLuleåLuossavaaraLövholmenMalmbergetMellanströmMorjarvMoskoselMunksundMuodoslompoloMurjekMårdselNattavaaraNederluleåNiemiselNikkalaNikkaluoktaNorrfjärdenNotvikenOverkalixPajalaPersönPite HavsbadPiteaPorjusPrästholmen-KillingholmenPuoltikasvaaraRandijaurRiksgränsenRisögrundRitsemRoknäsRosvikRåneåSaltoluoktaSangisSeskaröSkauloSlagnäsSvansteinSvappavaaraSävastSödra SunderbynTärendöTöreVargbackenVettasjärviVidselVittangiVuoggatjålmeVuollerimVuonoÖjebynÖvertorneåÖvre Soppero