You might consider checking out Ibiraquera Lake while you're exploring Penha and the larger Imbituba area.
If you're spending some time in Itapiruba, Praia de Itapirubá Norte and Praia de Itapirubá Sul are top sights worth seeing.
Travellers like the museums in Imbituba Centro, and Praia da Vila is a top attraction you might want to visit.
While Arroio isn't home to many top sights, Praia de Ibiraquera and Ribanceira Beach are some notable places to visit nearby.
Travellers like the beaches in Vila Esperança, and Praia de Ibiraquera is a top attraction you might want to visit.
The cheapest Praia do Rosa holiday package is , so your dream getaway can become a reality — without the high price tag. Combine flights, hotels and car rentals to custom build a package that fits you.
Lock in flights that suit your schedule, add a hotel room to your booking and watch the savings pile up with a Praia do Rosa holiday package. It's as simple as that! From hotels and flights to activities and rental cars, Expedia makes travelling on a budget easy. And with more than 550 airlines and 1,000,000 hotel options around the globe to select from, you'll never be short of choice.
With loads to explore in Praia do Rosa, it'd be convenient for you to secure a room in a hotel close to its attractions. Rose Beach, Luz Beach and Ouvidor Beach are some good ones to add to your must-see list.
If it's your very first time in Praia do Rosa, reserve a room at Pousada Capitão Cook or Cabin - Vilas Do Rosa. Both offer friendly service and are top options with many savvy travellers.
It can be tricky to know exactly when is the ideal time to book your trip to Praia do Rosa. But usually the earlier you book, the cheaper the prices. Sometimes, you can reserve your flights and hotels nearly a year prior to departure. If you're thinking of a last-minute getaway, no need to stress! There are great bargains announced on Expedia every single day.
With Expedia, you can select a combination of flights, hotels and car rentals to build your perfect Praia do Rosa travel package. Once you've made your booking, you can add on the fun things like sightseeing tours and activities. Don't forget, the more you bundle, the greater the savings!
Locking in all the parts of your trip together is one of the easiest ways to save. Combine car rentals, airfares and hotels into one little package. But hotels aren't your only option. Expedia features all types of properties, including holiday rentals like mountain cabins and city residences. Your choices are almost endless!
With a holiday package, you're the boss. Whether you're looking to fly to Praia do Rosa in economy or first class, simply pick from the available airline options. Expedia has access to more than 550 airline partners throughout the world.
Yes, it's possible to cancel your Praia do Rosa booking if your travel plans have been upended. Whether you'll incur a penalty or not depends on your airline, hotel or car rental company. It may be possible to cancel or change your booking free of charge if you booked in the last 24 hours. Visit our Customer Service Portal for more information.