Province of Pisa


Leaning Tower showing night scenes and a city
Leaning Tower featuring heritage elements and heritage architecture
Pisa which includes a statue or sculpture
Pisa featuring heritage architecture and a city
Pisa Baptistry featuring heritage architecture, a church or cathedral and interior views
This Tuscancity is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world and home toone of the most famous buildings in the world, the LeaningTower of Pisa. But this is far more than just a one trick pony town,with far more to offer than this one famous building.

The beautiful Tuscan city of Pisaoffers a lot more than just those photo moments with the famous LeaningTower. In the winding streets of the historic city centre youwill not only find cosy bars and organic restaurants, but also impressivehistorical and architectural landmarks.

Explore the compact city centre on foot or by bike,or use the city’s affordable and efficient public transport. Parking spaces arehard to find here, so we don’t recommend hiring a car, unless you want toexplore further afield, of course. Naturally, most people want to visit theLeaning Tower, the freestanding bell tower next to the cathedral to get theinfamous ‘push’ picture. The tower and cathedral stand in the middle of thewalled Piazzadei Miracoli, where you will also find two other architecturaltriumphs of Pisa: Pisa's Baptistery and CamposantoCemetery.

Stroll amongst the trees of PiazzaMartiri della Libertà to the historic centre of Pisa.Walk through the Knights Square and see the ancient walls of the Palazzodella Carovana. Check out the historic Palazzodel Collegio Puteano, which now houses the students of theprestigious Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.

After a day spent walking through the historiccentre, why not enjoy a bowl sullo scio or delicious pasta at one of the manycafés. Then do what local families do and stroll along the banks of the Arno,and visit the picturesque but small gothic church of Santa Maria della Spina.

Many people consider Pisaas a starting point for visiting the rest of Tuscany. There are plenty of rapidintercity trains travelling to Florence or further afield from Pisa’smain station. However, we recommend you at least stay overnight if you want tofully experience the true beauty of Pisa.

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