I hate inflation-NO increases in 3 years now-we are FOR the (beleaguered) middle class!
THIS IS A REAL RANCH/FAMILY HOME-mellow only-NO would be "inspectors"
SILVER STAR RANCH--Your own PRIVATE 170-acre ranch, with lovely 2 BR 2BA cabin (former ranch foreman's house, nicely updated) --ALL TO YOURSELF. GORGEOUS views overlooking Jefferson River and Tobacco Root mountains, in heart of Ruby Valley. Many nearby fishing access points, including one at South end of ranch. Twin Bridges is 7 miles away with gourmet market/espresso bar and THREE great restaurants (including famous OLD HOTEL RESTAURANT-now take out only). VA & NV Cities also nearby.
Bozeman, Three Forks, Twin Bridges, Sheridan, Dillon, Melrose, all nearby. FISHING-Jefferson River, Big Hole River, Ruby River, Madison River, Beaverhead River--all nearby