Popular cities in Split-Dalmatia
See Roman buildings, walk winding medieval streets and explore some of Croatia’s best museums in this beautiful city on the shore of the Adriatic.
Reasons to visit
- Split Riva
- Diocletian's Palace
- Cathedral of Saint Domnius
Wander along the cobbled lanes of this UNESCO-listed walled city, home to a collection of impressive historical sights.
Reasons to visit
- Trogir Main Square
- Kamerlengo Fortress
- Cathedral of St. Lawrence
Engage in a variety of fun outdoor and beach-based activities at this attractive and popular coastal resort town.
Reasons to visit
- Makarska Beach
- St. Mark's Church
With wonderful weather, a stylish marble-clad town and pretty lavender fields, this upscale island is a favorite among foreign visitors.
Reasons to visit
- St Stephen's Cathedral
Cities in Split-Dalmatia
See Roman buildings, walk winding medieval streets and explore some of Croatia’s best museums in this beautiful city on the shore of the Adriatic.
Engage in a variety of fun outdoor and beach-based activities at this attractive and popular coastal resort town.
With wonderful weather, a stylish marble-clad town and pretty lavender fields, this upscale island is a favorite among foreign visitors.
ArbanijaBaska VodaBastBisevoBolBorakBrelaCista ProvoDolDrasniceDrvenikDuceDugi RatDugopoljeGataGradacGrohoteGrubineHvarIgraneImotskiJelsaJeseniceKastel GomilicaKastel KambelovacKastel LuksicKastel StafilicKastel StariKastel SucuracKastelaKlisKomizaKrvavicaLećevicaLokva RogoznicaMakarskaMarinaMarusiciMaslinicaMastrinkaMilnaMimiceMucNereziseOkrugOkrug DonjiOkrug GornjiOmisPisakPodacaPodbabljePodgoraPodstranaPostiraPrgometPrimorski DolacProložacPromajnaPuciscaSegetSeget DonjiSeget VranjicaSelcaSestanovacSevidSinjSlatineSolinSoltaSplitSplitskaStaniciStari GradStobrecSucurajSumartinSupetarSutivanSveta NedjeljaTiceTriljTrogirTucepiTugareVeliko BrdoVinisceVisVrboskaVrgoracVrisnikZadvarjeZagvozdZaostrogZastrazisceZavalaZivogosceZmijavciZvečanjeČelinaŽedno