A stone’s throw from the Roman Forum, Piazza Venezia isn’t for sitting back and sipping coffee — it’s for exploring palaces, museums and viewing platforms.
Grandiose architecture, classical art and sunny
piazzas: all the ingredients that make up the acclaimed Italian capital. As the
home of the Roman Empire, it’s considered by many to be the centre of
civilisation – the seed that birthed the Europe we see today. With so much
architecture and history spanning back centuries, it’s an ideal city for the
historians amongst you.
Relax in wine bars and restaurants, take a walking tour and discover the famous Colosseum and other historic sites in one of Rome’s prominent districts.
Relax in wine bars and restaurants, take a walking tour and discover the famous Colosseum and other historic sites in one of Rome’s prominent districts.
Relax in wine bars and restaurants, take a walking tour and discover the famous Colosseum and other historic sites in one of Rome’s prominent districts.