Today's Amazing Flight Deals
Find great flight deals and airline tickets at cheap prices on We have flight offers to destinations in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, Australasia, Caribbean, Europe, North America and South America departing from airports across Ireland.
Planning a weekend in a European capital or a vacation in a far-off exotic destination? Whatever you choose, your final destination is even closer thanks to Expedia’s excellent flight deals. Simply enter your preferences in the search box to take advantage of the amazing deals offered by more than 300 airlines.
Finding the perfect flight has never been easier. Expedia's flight page allows you to compare flights from several airlines at the same time. From low-cost flights to long-haul trips, it will not be difficult to find exceptional fares to suit all budgets.
Once your flight is booked, we offer a wide range of hotelsOpens in a new window to help you find the best place to stay in the destination of your choice. Simply add accommodation or an exciting activity or tourOpens in a new window to your flight.
If you’ve already found the flight but are worried about how to get around while you’re in your destination, you will also be able to conveniently book flights and car hire Opens in a new windowat the same time. You can choose from the best international car rental companies, offering everything from reliable family cars to luxury vehicles.
Rest assured that booking your next holiday couldn’t be an easier task, and it starts with finding that ideal flight deal with Expedia. Have a good trip!
- Dubai Flights
- Las Vegas Flights
- Amsterdam Flights
- Barcelona Flights
- Orlando Flights
- Paris Flights
- Rome Flights
- Hong Kong Flights
- Prague Flights
- Cape Town Flights
- Florence Flights
- Berlin Flights
- Edinburgh Flights
- Tokyo Flights
- Vienna Flights
- Madrid Flights
- Sydney Flights
- Beijing Flights
- Dublin Flights
- Athens Flights
- Stockholm Flights
- New York Flights
- Lisbon Flights
- Cardiff Flights
- Ibiza Flights
- London Flights
Terms and Conditions:
- Flight prices quoted are per person based on return flights.
- Prices include airport taxes and admin fees.
- Additional fees for credit card payment, baggage and check-in may apply.
- Offers are subject to limited availability and may be amended or withdrawn at any time.
- Expedia’s usual booking terms and conditions apply.