Thousands of jagged, green peaks rising out of the emerald waters, surrounded by the colourful sails of traditional boats, give this bay an almost magical appeal.
Thousands of jagged, green peaks rising out of the emerald waters, surrounded by the colourful sails of traditional boats, give this bay an almost magical appeal.
A stroll through this peaceful, colorful garden is the highlight of a trip to Tokyo at any time of year. It is especially popular for the cherry blossoms of spring.
Discover museums, cafés and shops in this pleasant hilltop neighborhood, featuring mansions from the early 1900s displaying distinctive Western-style architecture.
Thousands of jagged, green peaks rising out of the emerald waters, surrounded by the colourful sails of traditional boats, give this bay an almost magical appeal.
A stroll through this peaceful, colorful garden is the highlight of a trip to Tokyo at any time of year. It is especially popular for the cherry blossoms of spring.
Intricately designed pillars, elegant domes and a sparkling marble courtyard make this one of Ahmedabad’s most attractive and interesting religious monuments.
Wander around the banks of this peaceful lake and discover an historic temple, observe locals going about their daily life or enjoy a picnic lunch under the shade.
A stroll through this peaceful, colorful garden is the highlight of a trip to Tokyo at any time of year. It is especially popular for the cherry blossoms of spring.