Towering over Geneva’s old town is this 12th-century cathedral, known for its mixture of architectural styles and the Roman temple ruins that lie beneath it.
With Lake Lucerne at your feet, appreciate the historical setting as you walk across this city’s iconic covered bridge, crooked streets and airy squares.
Although it is just minutes from Interlaken, this sleepy resort town is worth a separate visit. Enjoy close proximity to Bern’s famous mountains and lakes.
Visit a European country known for its alpine scenery, vast freshwater lakes, picturesque cities, chocolate and cheeses. Experience the cultures and traditions of different language communities.
Towering over Geneva’s old town is this 12th-century cathedral, known for its mixture of architectural styles and the Roman temple ruins that lie beneath it.
Towering over Geneva’s old town is this 12th-century cathedral, known for its mixture of architectural styles and the Roman temple ruins that lie beneath it.
With Lake Lucerne at your feet, appreciate the historical setting as you walk across this city’s iconic covered bridge, crooked streets and airy squares.