As you explore city centre Calgary, listening to the guided tour on your smartphone, you'll learn about Calgary's dynamic history, from its robust arts community to the economic powerhouses to the wild west beginnings of the city.
This looped tour begins and ends at the imposing Calgary City Hall buildings and is 4 kilometres long. It will take about 2 hours to complete, but you can explore for as long as you like!
There's always plenty to see in this bustling city, whatever the weather. Some highlights of the tour include the Arts Commons, historic Stephen Avenue, The Palace Theatre, the Calgary Public Building, the Devonian Gardens, and The Grand. Explore some of Calgary's diverse public art installations, admire the distinctive Fairmont Palliser Hotel, learn about the historical significance behind the Famous Five and Family of Man sculptures, and crane your head back to take in the Bow skyscraper.
A live GPS map shows where you currently are and where to go next, so you won't get lost. As you get close to the next destination, the tour guide commentary will automatically play.
The tour also comes with a fun location-based trivia game. After the commentary plays, check out the trivia questions on your device and tap your guess at the answer.
Enjoy a professional tour guide experience at your leisure, without the crowded tour groups and tight schedules. You can access the tour anytime, not just on your booking date. Stop and start the tour anywhere along the route if you want to explore something nearby, and get back to the trail whenever you want.