Discover Flagstaff's past — good and bad — on a haunted history walking tour of its city centre district. Learn about the city's intrepid first settlers and how the area became a popular spot over the centuries. Hear a spooky storey or two linked to famous sights, to keep you on your toes.
Uncover parts of Flagstaff's long-standing history from your guide. Home to a few sheep herders and ranchers in the mid-1800s, Flagstaff was settled under the Homestead Act.
Learn how his tiny settlement at the base of the San Francisco Peaks sprouted saloons and gambling halls (and a few merchandising stores) almost overnight once a railway was installed.
Hear stories of how the town avoided the fate of many a railway boom town because of the foresight of businessmen like E.E. Ayer, who opened the town's saw mill just weeks after the first train ran through. The mill gave steady employment for men and their families and soon, churches, schools, and mercantile ventures sprang up.
Walk to locations where many a colourful character from the past was known to wander the town, looking for a gun fight or a game of poker to pass their time — perhaps even staying around to haunt these spots today.