Avoid the usual sightseeing tours and explore Ephesus-Kusadasi independently with a full-day private vehicle and driver service. Visit the sights that you want to see in air-conditioned comfort and benefit from the local knowledge of your guide.
A private tour gives you a chance to ask questions and enjoy a two-way conversation with an informed and knowledgeable guide. It also allows more flexibility to the agenda.
After a scenic short drive, arrive in Ephesus, the Roman capital of Asia Minor. It is home to over a quarter of a million people, from slave traders to saints, at its peak between 1 AD and 2 AD. 150 years of excavations at Ephesus have revealed the most comprehensive Greco-Roman classical city on Earth.
Your next stop will be Ephesus Archaeology Museum. A large part of the museum’s excavations at Ephesus, St. Jean Church, Artemision, and Belevi Grave Memorial consists of works brought from other nearby ruins. The museum houses important works of Ephesus and Anatolian archaeology.
In the House of Mother Mary and in accordance with the predominant Christian tradition, Mary was brought to Ephesus by the Apostle John after the Resurrection of Christ and lived out her final resting days here. This is based mainly on the traditional belief that John came to Ephesus combined with the biblical statement that Jesus consigned her to John’s care (John 19:26-27).
St. John Basilica, In the opening vision of the book of Revelation, seven letters are addressed to seven churches of Asia Minor: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. These cities stood along with one of the well-traveled Roman roads of that day and, beginning at Ephesus, might well have been visited in the order in which they are named. The distances between them averaged about 5 to 15 miles.
Beyond the temple site, we approach the massive remains of the Church of St. John, crowning the highest point of Seljuk Hill. Here in the fourth century, a church was built over the site believed to be the resting place of the beloved apostle. Justinian crowned the height with a much larger edifice. The wide central nave was covered with six large domes and the narthex with five smaller ones. The tomb of the apostle was on the floor beneath the main dome. At the site of the tomb, the base of the original high altar is still visible. The authenticity of the site is maintained by Eusebius, who quotes Polycrates, a disciple of John and bishop of Ephesus. According to tradition, Timothy became the first bishop of the church. John probably came there about A.D. 67 or earlier.
Not far from the tomb in the church enclosure is the ancient baptistry. Stone steps lead down into the cross-shaped font, which provided ample room for baptism by immersion, the standard practice until well into the twelfth century.
While on the cross, Jesus entrusted to John the care of His mother. So Mary must also have been a resident of Ephesus.