This tour is undoubtedly the most extensive and exhaustive in the city of Girona. You will learn not only about its history and legends, but also you will be able to enjoy a guided visit to the main monuments of the city: The Cathedral of Santa María, the Arab Baths and the Basilica of Sant Feliu.
Also we will accompany you on a journey through time since the founding of the city. We will cross the Via Augusta, the Roman, Carolingian and Medieval Walls.
We will see the splenor of the medieval period of the city reflected in its monuments: Gothic Palaces, exquisite Romanesque monasteries, the Arab Baths and especially the Cathedral In the historic centre of the city, very close to the Cathedral, we will find the important Jewish footprint that still remains in Girona. The Aljama (Jewish community) of Girona was one of the most important in Spain and the centre of Kabbalah.
The Jewish quarter known as “El Call” stretches through a labyrinth of cobbled alleys that are still preserved intact since 1492, the year of the expulsion of the Jews from Spain. The Jewish presence in the city dates back to the 9th century and they made this community so important, they became 10% of the population of Girona, thanks to merchants, doctors, notaries and such notorious figures as Nahmanides, teacher of the Kabbalah.
Leaving the Jewish quarter we will see the Novecentista style house where the architect Rafael Masó was born, one of the most important in the city and we will arrive at the Rambla to see the most famous bridges over the Onyar river. The bridge designed by Gustave Eiffel is undoubtedly the most popular. And we will end the visit in Plaza Independencia, without a doubt a meeting place for everyone who visits Girona, with its restaurants and terraces.