Walking explore the enchanting city of Lourdes, where the narrative extends beyond Bernadette's tale, unfolding into a chronicle of France's captivating history. Nestled as the gateway to the Pyrenean mountains, Lourdes offers a panoramic view of the breathtaking landscapes of Argelès Gazost and the majestic Cirque de Gavarnie.
Embark on a journey through time as we delve into the city's significance through maps and historical narratives. Our guided tour includes a visit to the iconic Castel of Lourdes, echoing with centuries of stories. Immerse yourself in the sweet legacy of France's oldest chocolate factory, a delectable experience that transcends time.
Discover the spiritual heart of Lourdes as you traverse its sacred grounds.
- The Town Hall of Lourdes
- The Halles of Lourdes
- The Chocolate “boutique” factory
(please notice it's closed on Sundays but we will see the front of it + box of chocolats from the factory)
- The Castel of Lourdes
- The Sanctuary of Lourdes
- The Museum of Boly (The house of Bernadett)
Families with children and babies are warmly welcomed, with specially curated activities to engage and delight the little ones. Our immersive tour promises not only a glimpse into the past but also an exploration of the present, connecting you with the beauty and richness that define Lourdes. Join us in this cultural odyssey, where every corner of the city becomes a chapter waiting to be unfolded. Book your journey now and create memories that resonate with the essence of Lourdes.