With its beer halls, terraces along the river,lavish shopping promenades and its carnival, Dusseldorfis proud of its multitude of attractions. Situated in the west of Germanyon the banks of the River Rhine, Dusseldorf’s warmand welcoming population embodies the friendly nature of the Rhineland.
Dusseldorf’s mostpopular attractions can be found in the Altstadt(Old Town). It’s here that you’ll find “Germany’s longest bar”. It’s not quiteone long bar that stretches across the Altstadt, but rather the collection of250 cafés and restaurants that line the streets of the ancient Old Town – oneof the highest concentration of bars in all of Europe. While you’re here,ensure you try an Altbier, a dark beer that’s been brewed in Dusseldorffor centuries.
The inhabitants of Dusseldorfare definitely like to be outdoors. The Rheinuferpromenade is speciallydesigned for pedestrians, making Dusseldorf easyto explore on foot. There’s also a terrace on the river where you can watch thesun set behind the western bank of the Rhine. Then there’s the Hofgarten, oneof the oldest public parks in Germany where you can enjoy free jazz, big bandand classical orchestra concerts.
The Dusseldorf Hafen should not be missed. In thisrenovated port you will find a number of distinguished restaurants and some ofthe finest architecture in Dusseldorf. Admire theasymmetric buildings Der Neue Zollhof, designed by renowned architect Frank O.Gehry. The Rhine Tower offers visitors a wonderful view over the region, eitherfrom the observation deck or the revolving restaurant, where you shoulddefinitely try the famous currywurst.
Dusseldorf is proud ofits cultural events and festivals, and you should definitely try to coincide yourvisit with one if you can. During Japandag you’ll see incredible displays,ranging from martial arts demonstrations to live music. This festival is heldannually in May or June, celebrating the largest Japanese community in Germany.
The streets in the city centre are flat and it’squite easy to explore the Dusseldorf on foot. Forthose who do not want to walk, Dusseldorf also hasa very efficient public transport system and you can get anywhere in the city bybus, tram or subway. If you’d like to explore the wider area, you can alwaysrent a car.